Tag: <span>Pet Custody</span>


Pet Custody

For a lot of people, pets aren’t just animals, they’re beloved members of the family. These loving, loyal furry friends have the power to enrich our lives in unique and irreplaceable ways, so it makes sense that when it comes to divorce, fights over who gets to keep the family dog can get pretty heated. 

Luckily for pet owners, California’s new pet custody law ensures that the needs of your pet are carefully considered during divorce, and that they aren’t just thrown around like the family couch.

Here’s a closer look at pet custody laws in California, and how the team at Maples Family Law can help you. 


Pets, Property, and Divorce

We love our pets. They may not be human, but that doesn’t stop us from caring about them a great deal. At the same time, because they’re not human, dividing pet ownership in a divorce used to be a little tricky. Without specific guidelines, judges were forced to determine pet ownership according to the normal laws of community property

Which, we should point out, is how a lot of states still operate. Take a look. 

Pets of the Past

California is a community property state. This means that whatever you acquire after tying the knot—be it a house, loan, dish set, or credit card—belongs to both of you equally (regardless of whose name it’s in). Essentially, “what’s mine is yours,” and upon divorce, this jointly shared property needs to be divided

Until recently, this is how pet ownership was treated during divorce. Judges would look to see whether or not the pet could clearly be classified as the separate property of one of the spouses. If not, the pet was deemed “community property” (or, in other words, the shared property of both partners), and the pet battle commenced.

Without specific laws to reference, though, this became a unique challenge for divorce court judges, all of whom had their own methods of trying to solve the problem. Some placed the dog in the middle of the room, and awarded ownership to whoever the pet went to first. Others might simply split the pet brood down the middle, giving each spouse half of the fur babies. 

Needless to say, it was an inadequate system. And luckily, pet owners no longer have to stress that the fate of their feline friends will be at the mercy of so much guesswork.


Pets of the Present

The problem with pets being treated as straight property, of course, is that they are alive. Just like humans, they have emotions and needs (albeit more primitive than our own). Hence, the dichotomy between living thing and physical property was a conundrum that courts struggled to balance. 

Lawmakers addressed this problem in 2019, by passing Assembly Bill 2274, which updated the California Family Code, giving judges the option to assign joint and sole custody to pet owners, upon divorce. 

Now, instead of being bartered and fought over like a set of silverware, California pet custody is being treated a lot more like child custody.


Pet Custody Under Assembly Bill 2274

The biggest difference about California’s new guidelines is that instead of treating animals like straight property, judges are now allowed to make decisions that put the pet’s well-being at the forefront. (Remind you of anything?) 

This is a lot like child custody, where a child’s best interest is the driving force behind custody and visitation. While pets are still (technically) considered property, under Assembly Bill 2274, judges can consider things like which spouse: 

  • Has the strongest relationship with the pet;
  • Carries out the most day-to day care;
  • Plays with the pet; 
  • Takes the pet to the vet; 
  • Ensures that the pet stays in good health; 
  • Can provide the safest environment; 
  • Can handle the expense of the pet; 
  • Whether there are other children who are emotionally dependent on the pet; and, of course, 
  • The existence of any abuse or violence toward the pet. 


Joint Pet Custody and Visitation

Under Assembly Bill 2274, pet ownership doesn’t necessarily have to be all or nothing. Indeed, when making these decisions, judges have the flexibility to award joint ownership, so that the pet can continue to enjoy a relationship with both spouses. And, of course, where there’s joint custody, there’s also visitation. 

In the event you’re awarded joint pet custody, you and your spouse will need to settle on a visitation agreement. This operates in much the same way as a visitation schedule for a child, and, indeed, similar templates and schedules are often used by attorneys when drafting pet exchange calendars.

Of course, all these new guidelines do beg some interesting follow up questions. For example, if pet custody, then what about pet support? Can a judge require the non-custodial pet spouse to provide payments for a pet’s upkeep? Only time will tell how these questions will be answered. 


Which Pets Qualify?

Bird and aquatic pet owners out there might be wondering whether or not their animals qualify for protection under California’s new guidelines. And the answer probably depends on what you view as a typical pet. 

While Assembly Bill 2274 doesn’t list the specific animals that do and don’t apply, it does say that the additions are limited to “pet animals,” which it clarifies as being “any animal that is community property and kept as a household pet.”

With this in mind, it seems reasonable to assume that dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, fish, birds, and even a turtle might qualify. However, it’s questionable whether the statute would extend to animals like pigs, goats, chickens, a pony, or even something exotic, like a tiger.



Regardless of whether you have a support dog or a comfort pony, these laws do not apply to service animals

Support and service animals serve a special purpose to their human counterparts, and Assembly Bill 2274 cannot be used to separate these pairings. Instead, it is simply meant to keep pets from being used as bargaining chips, and tossed around at random to the highest bidder.

In fact, because the pet’s well-being is the driving force behind these new rules, judges even have the power to award the animal to one spouse, even if it is technically the separate property of the other. This may be needed in cases of domestic violence, where the pet is being abused, or if one spouse needs the pet for mental health reasons. 


Don’t Wait for Divorce

In the end, if the future of your pet is that important to you, don’t wait for divorce to roll the dice for you. Contact your family law attorney today, and have your pet custody arrangement drafted in a marital agreement. For those who aren’t married, a prenuptial or cohabitation agreement, might be more appropriate. 

These contracts can be drafted to dictate your pet custody desires, giving you the peace of mind in knowing that your pet’s future is secure, even if you break up.


Pet Custody Attorneys in California

At Maples Family Law, we understand how important your pet is to you. As pet lovers ourselves, we take the time to make sure that the needs of your pet are fairly considered in your divorce.

For more questions about how California handles pet custody, we want to hear from you. Call the Maples Family Law team at (209) 989-4425, or get in touch online, and let us help you ensure a bright future for your pet in your family’s new normal.

Pets and Divorce - Animal Custody Rights in California Divorce

Pets and Divorce: Animal Custody Rights in California

Pets and divorce has always been a touchy subject – what are animal custody rights, and who has them?

Now, thanks to a new law that kicked off on January 1, 2019, pet parents can rejoice: Pets don’t have to be treated like property in a divorce settlement any longer.

Pets and Divorce: Animal Custody Rights in California

Pets Divorce - Stockton Family Law and Divorce AttorneysThe new law, Assembly Bill 2274, added pets into the California Family Code. It says, “The court, at the request of a party to proceedings for dissolution of marriage or for legal separation of the parties, may enter an order, prior to the final determination of ownership of a pet animal, to require a party to care for the pet animal. The existence of an order providing for the care of a pet animal during the course of proceedings for dissolution of marriage or for legal separation of the parties shall not have any impact on the court’s final determination of ownership of the pet animal.”

It also says that the courts can assign sole or joint ownership of a pet – kind-of like custody – so that an animal who’s considered community property can enjoy the companionship of both parties after the divorce or separation.

Related: Community property basics in California

What About Support and Service Animals?

The law doesn’t really apply to support animals or service animals, because those are typically assigned to a person based on his or her need – they’re there to assist the person, so they go with them during a divorce.

How to Get Custody of Pets in Divorce

You and your spouse are free to reach your own agreements regarding pet custody during your divorce. If you can’t agree on pet custody or other important issues, your attorney might suggest that you work with a mediator – that way, you can reach agreements without fighting things out in court.

Related: What is divorce mediation?

Animal Custody Rights in California - Stockton Divorce AttorneysMany people decide based on what’s best for the pet. For example, if one of you is moving to a small apartment with no backyard space and the other one is staying in the marital home (where there is a yard and your pet is already comfortable), you might decide that your pet can visit with the other pet-parent but live primarily in the marital home.

If you and your spouse can’t reach an agreement on your own or through mediation, the judge in your case will end up making the decision. The judge might decide that you share custody, particularly if you both show serious attachment to the pet, or he or she might decide that the pet should stay in one home and one home only.

Related: Who gets the house in a California divorce?

The factors a judge will most likely look at include what’s best for the pet, too – like yard space or an established home. Moving around can be traumatic for animals, just like it is for humans.

The judge will also look each party’s ability to provide proper care for the pet. Pet care, according to the new law, includes (but isn’t limited to):

  • The prevention of acts of harm or cruelty
  • The provision of food and water
  • The provision of a safe and protected shelter
  • The provision of veterinary care

Animal Custody Rights in California

Before this law passed, getting custody of a pet in divorce was a little different. Pets were treated as property and divided like any other property – just like televisions, cars and the family china set you got at your wedding. Now, though, pet parents have animal custody rights that enable them to do what’s best for their pets.

Do You Need to Talk to a Stockton Divorce Lawyer About Pets and Divorce or Animal Custody Rights?

If you’re splitting from your spouse but share pets, we can help you reach a resolution that’s fair to everyone.

Call us at 209-546-6870 to schedule a consultation with a caring, compassionate and knowledgeable divorce attorney in Stockton right now. We’ll answer your questions about child custody and child supportproperty division and more.


Anna Y. Maples Maples Family Law
