Divorce Litigation in CA

Divorce Litigation in CA In California, divorce litigation is a type of contested divorce. This process takes place in an official courtroom setting, where both spouses have the opportunity to …

Final Divorce Order

Divorce involves a lot of really important decisions. Which means that—between dividing property, divvying up child custody, and figuring out mortgages (not to mention, family pets)—you’ll have a lot to …

Enforcing a Divorce Order

The last thing anyone wants to do after getting divorced is head back to their attorney’s office for post-divorce services—especially if those services involve enforcing a divorce order.   Unfortunately, that’s …

Dating During Divorce

One question that clients sometimes ask us is, “What happens if my spouse is dating during divorce?”  It’s a fair question. Until the ink dries on your order, you’re still …

Pet Custody

For a lot of people, pets aren’t just animals, they’re beloved members of the family. These loving, loyal furry friends have the power to enrich our lives in unique and …

Divorce in California

If you’ve never experienced it before, divorce can be an intimidating process. Between filing the correct forms, locating documents, and keeping track of deadlines, there’s a lot to remember, and, …